
What is the trend?

Online or Shop?
Most people don’t enjoy spending hours in shopping whether shop or online. Even I don’t enjoy shopping for a long time. I love shopping online because you just need to have a good internet connection and keep on searching the products you like and add them to your cart. People who dont sell online face huge losses because 89% of Indians prefer shopping online.

Let’s read out some differences and come to a conclusion.

Products are more easily accessible online than offline. While shopping online you just have to
click on different stores or products whereas offline you have to travel to the store. In the shop
you have to ask the salesman to search for your product. Online you just have to go to the
search bar and type the name of the product.

Online products are quite cheaper in price. There are always offers and sales online whereas
offline there no frequent offers and sales.

Shopping offline can take a long time. You have to search for the products then stand in the
queue for billing then travel back to your house carrying the items. Online you just have to select
the products and add them to your cart

There are some people who don’t prefer shopping online because they don’t trust the quality
they provide. Whereas offline shopping has the advantage of checking the quality and does not
cost an extra charge.


While shopping online you have to order your items and wait for 3 to 4 days to get delivered to
you. But while shopping offline you don’t have to wait, you get it instantly.

The major disadvantage of online shopping- the image which is displayed there looks different and when it gets delivered to us looks different. But when we go to the shop we can see it live and see the quality of it and then buy.
I prefer shopping online as well as offline. What’s your view on this? Email us your answers

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